affable | SAT Word of the Day
You know that person with the enviable charisma? The one who makes everyone feel instantly at ease? That's the essence of being affable.
ℹ️ Part of speech of affable
affable is an ADJECTIVE.
🗣️ Pronunciation of affable
affable is pronounced /ˈæ.fə.bəl/ or AH-fuh-buhl.
📚️ Definition of affable
Friendly and pleasant in manner: an affable stranger
Easy to talk to; approachable: an affable disposition
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of affable in usage:
Despite being CEO of a Fortune 500 company, Jayke maintains an affable demeanor that puts even junior employees at ease.
The affable barista brightened everyone's morning.
"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do," said Thomas Jefferson, who was known for being as affable as he was articulate.