anachronistic | SAT Word of the Day
This word has been on the must-know SAT hit list for DECADES. And it's so easy to remember, if you know your word roots!
Not going to lie, I love this word. I’ve been teaching it for 25+ years! Do yourself a favor, and bone up on your word roots.
ℹ️ Part of speech of anachronistic
anachronistic is an ADJECTIVE.
🗣️ Pronunciation of anachronistic
anachronistic is pronounced /ə.ˌnæ.krəˈnɪs.tɪk/ or uh-nah-kruh-NISS-tick.
📚️ Definition of anachronistic
Belonging to a time period other than the one being portrayed, depicted, or naturally expected; chronologically out of place: anachronistic details in a historical film
Outdated or obsolete; not in keeping with the current time: anachronistic views on gender roles
Note: The adjective form anachronistic comes from the noun anachronism, which refers to something or someone that is placed in the wrong time period.

📰 Examples
Here are some examples of anachronistic in usage:
The movie's anachronistic soundtrack featured electronic music in scenes set in medieval England.
Using typewriters in today's digital offices would be considered anachronistic by most professionals.
The SAT passage highlighted how the author's anachronistic references to modern psychology in a book about ancient civilizations undermined his historical accuracy.
Many viewers spotted the anachronistic plastic water bottle that accidentally appeared in the final season of Game of Thrones.
Her grandfather's anachronistic phrases from the 1950s often confused her friends.