I’ve got something a little different today!
This word is shared as part of the Words We Love Substack Carnival, a lexicon of lovable language compiled by some of your current or future favorite educators and writers on Substack. Enjoy all the Valentine’s Day vocabulary on the Words We Love 2025 page.
While you’re here, check out the special vocabulary entries created by my fellow Substack educators:
PERSISTENCE tied in with college success! By Mike Bergin, founder and president of a bunch of amazing organizations and projects, all education related, of course.
APOPHENIA is a new word for me, to be honest. Brought to you by Kate Fisher, who can help you get a higher SAT score.
DISBURSEMENT: A financial word from Dave Peterson, who will help you get money for college.
PETRICHOR One of the coolest words ever. Be sure to read this one. From Rachel Boyce.
RECONCILE, for those of you still hoping! Written by Kevin George, Substack’s top business English coach!
LIKE by Kendall Fawcett. Love, like, or dislike this word, it’s part of English. Check it out!
Now back to our word, cupidity.
ℹ️ Part of speech of cupidity
cupidity is a NOUN (non-count)
🗣️ Pronunciation of cupidity
cupidity is pronounced /kju.ˈpɪ.də.ti/ or kyoo-PI-duh-tee
📚️ Definition of cupidity
Strong desire for wealth or material possessions; greed. Example: excessive cupidity in the financial markets
🔤 Etymology
From Latin cupiditas, meaning desire.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of cupidity in usage:
Beneath the glittering surface of Wall Street's success stories often lies a foundation of pure cupidity, driving both innovation and excess.
The cupidity of humankind is a bottomless pit; the more you fill it, the more it wants.
During the gold rush, cupidity transformed peaceful settlements into chaotic boomtowns overnight.
Cupidity is (perhaps) the fastest path to an empty heart.
First time I've come across 'cupidity' in the sense of greed ... learn something new each day!