dispirited | SAT Word of the Day
inspired fills us with energy and motivation; dispirited is its gloomy cousin that does the opposite.
It’s a sad reality that feeling dispirited is a part of school, career, and, well, life. If we are lucky, each setback is a chance for us to reevaluate and improve. If we are not lucky, the setback is more… permanent. And irreversible. It is important to appreciate this distinction.
ℹ️ Part of speech of dispirited
dispirited is an ADJECTIVE.
🗣️ Pronunciation of dispirited
dispirited is pronounced /dɪ.ˈspɪr.ɪ.təd/ or dih-SPIR-ih-ted.
📚️ Definition of dispirited
Having lost morale, enthusiasm, or hope; feeling discouraged or dejected. Example: a dispirited team after their third consecutive loss.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of dispirited in usage:
After receiving an A- on her calculus midterm, a dispirited Jenny came to TestMagic for the homework boost program. (Based on a true story!)
Nothing is so dispiriting as unfinished work hanging over one's head, right?
The usually energetic sales team appeared dispirited after learning about the company's restructuring plans.