Dissension: Definition & Meaning for the SAT 😤
Like that awkward family dinner where Uncle Bubba brings up politics, DISSENSION can turn any peaceful gathering into a battlefield of opposing views.
ℹ️ Part of speech of dissension
dissension is a singular non-count NOUN.
🗣️ Pronunciation of dissension
dissension is pronounced /dɪ.ˈsen.ʃən/ or dih-SEN-shun.
📚️ Definition of dissension
dissension means strong disagreement or conflict, especially in opinion or belief, that leads to discord within a group. Example: dissension over the school budget cuts.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of dissension:
The band's documentary revealed surprising dissension with the former record label regarding the ownership of the master recordings.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, dissension arose between large and small states over representation in Congress.
The tech startup's promising future was threatened by dissension among its co-founders about the company's direction.
💁🏼 Tips on using the word dissension correctly
Dissension and dissent are related words, of course, but still distinct. Dissent is the expression of disagreement, while dissension refers to the state of disagreement or conflict itself.
Also, dissension typically implies conflict within a group, not between separate groups.
Incredibly fun fact: The phrase sowing dissension is commonly used to describe deliberately creating conflict within a group.