ℹ️ Part of speech of ebullience
ebullience is a NOUN (non-count, singular)
📖 Etymology of ebullience
From Latin "ebullire," meaning "to bubble up" or "to boil," just as enthusiasm bubbles up from within.
🗣️ Pronunciation of ebullience
ebullience is pronounced /ɪ.ˈbʊl.yəns/ or ih-BULL-yuhns
📚️ Definition of ebullience
The quality of being cheerful and full of energy; exuberant enthusiasm. Example: the ebullience of young puppies.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of ebullience in usage:
Bursting through the laboratory doors with characteristic ebullience, Katrina announced her breakthrough to her startled colleagues.
The ebullience of youth is nature's way of ensuring we take risks before we're old enough to know better.
The natural ebullience of hydrogen molecules increases dramatically as they approach their boiling point.