luxuriate | SAT Word of the Day
I'm going to put this in the category of 'I don't know this word, but I can figure it out' for most students.
ℹ️ Part of speech of luxuriate
luxuriate is a VERB (intransitive).
🗣️ Pronunciation of luxuriate
luxuriate is pronounced /lʌɡ.ˈʒʊr.i.eɪt/ or lug-ZHUR-ee-ayt.
📚️ Definition of luxuriate
To take great pleasure in physical comfort or abundance; to indulge oneself in something pleasurable. Example: luxuriating in a hot bath.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of luxuriate in usage:
After hiking all day, Rina luxuriated in the hotel's enormous bathtub for nearly an hour.
Visitors to the resort luxuriate in its stunning ocean views and warm hospitality.
To read poetry is to luxuriate in the music of words.
🧠 SAT Tip!
The verb luxuriate is typically followed by the preposition in. For example: My gecko loves to luxuriate in the warm sun.