manifesto | SAT Word of the Day
It seems manifestos are regularly in the news these days, making it an essential word for SAT-takers to understand.
ℹ️ Part of speech of manifesto
manifesto is a COUNT NOUN (plural: manifestos or manifestoes)
🗣️ Pronunciation of manifesto
manifesto is pronounced /ˌmæn.ɪ.ˈfes.toʊ/ or man-ih-FESS-toh.
📚️ Definition of manifesto
A public written declaration of intentions, motives, or beliefs, especially one issued by a government, sovereign, organization, or ideological movement. Example: a political manifesto.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of manifesto in usage:
Before launching her startup, Ælsa published a manifesto outlining her vision for sustainable technology.
A manifesto without action is merely a diary entry.
The environmental group's manifesto called for immediate action on climate change.