obsequies | SAT Word of the Day
Not a common word today by any stretch, but you may find it in Shakespeare, or even on the SAT.
Better Nate than lever I always say. Sorry for the delay; came down with a bug these last few days. I was scrolling through my list of words that have appeared on the SAT, and I chose this one, though it’s quite rare!
Take a look at the ngram for it:
Note that we almost never use the singular form (obsequy); it almost always appears in the plural form (obsequies).
ℹ️ Part of speech of obsequies
obsequies is a NOUN (usually plural, count noun)
🗣️ Pronunciation of obsequies
obsequies is pronounced /ˈɑb.sə.kwiz/ or AHB-suh-kweez.
📚️ Definition of obsequies
Funeral rites or ceremonies; the ceremonies pertaining to death and burial. Example: formal obsequies for a head of state.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of obsequies in usage:
During the solemn obsequies, Lakshmi noticed how fittingly the setting sun cast long shadows through the stained glass windows.
The obsequies of a national hero ought to reflect the magnitude of their sacrifice.
Ancient obsequies involved elaborate rituals that could last for weeks.