scrupulous | SAT Word of the Day
Being scrupulous is exactly what you need for SAT success—careful attention to detail. And having integrity (the other meaning of SCRUPULOUS) is always a great goal.
If you have scruples, then you are scrupulous. But there’s another meaning as well, basically being meticulous.
ℹ️ Part of speech of scrupulous
scrupulous is an ADJECTIVE.
🗣️ Pronunciation of scrupulous
scrupulous is pronounced /ˈskru.pjə.ləs/ or SKROO-pyuh-lus.
📚️ Definition of scrupulous
Extremely careful and precise about details: scrupulous attention to accuracy.
Having strong moral principles; acting with strict honesty: scrupulous behavior in handling money.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of scrupulous:
After examining every detail with scrupulous care, the professor decided to confirm the authenticity of the ancient manuscript.
The scrupulous accountant noticed the two-cent discrepancy in the million-dollar budget.
Despite being desperate for money, Javi maintained his scrupulous honesty and returned the wallet he found.