shy | SAT Word of the Day
While most know shy as an adjective describing timid behavior, today we're looking at its less common but just as important verb form.
ℹ️ Part of speech of shy
shy is a VERB (Note: shy also exists as an adjective and noun, but we're focusing on the verb form.)
🗣️ Pronunciation of shy
shy is pronounced /ʃaɪ/ or SHY
📚️ Definition of shy
To avoid something or someone due to caution, fear, or timidity. Example: to shy away from public speaking
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of shy in usage:
Despite his extensive qualifications, Jeremy tends to shy away from leadership positions.
When faced with difficult questions during the press conference, the politician noticeably began to shy away from direct answers.
Those who shy away from new challenges remain forever in the same place.