Obverse: Definition & Meaning for the SAT 🪙
Here's a fancier way to say "heads or tails" with your SAT-prepping friends.
ℹ️ Part of speech of obverse
obverse is a COUNT NOUN (singular).
🗣️ Pronunciation of obverse
obverse is pronounced /ˈɑb.vɜrs/ or AHB-vurs.
📚️ Definition of obverse
The front or principal surface of something, especially the face of a coin bearing the principal design. Example: the obverse of a Lincoln penny.
📰 Examples of obverse
While examining the rare 1804 silver dollar, the numismatist carefully studied the obverse, noting the pristine condition of Liberty's profile.
During the Roman Empire, emperors traditionally placed their own portraits on the obverse of coins to spread their image throughout the realm.
On the ancient Greek drachma's obverse, the owl of Athena symbolized wisdom and prosperity for the city of Athens.
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