Whereupon: Definition & Meaning for the SAT ⏩
One thing leads to another. That's WHEREUPON in a nutshell.
ℹ️ Part of speech of whereupon
whereupon is a CONJUNCTION.
🗣️ Pronunciation of whereupon
whereupon is pronounced /wer.ə.ˈpɒn/ or wear-uh-PON.
📚️ Definition of whereupon
whereupon means immediately after which, typically as a consequence. Example: Our host told us that we were no longer welcome, whereupon we packed our suitcases and left.
📰 Examples
Here are some examples of whereupon:
The scientist added the catalyst to the solution, whereupon the mixture turned bright blue.
Taylor Swift finished her final song, whereupon thousands of fans erupted in thunderous applause.
Ms. Quinn announced the pop quiz, whereupon a collective groan filled the lecture hall.
🧠 Quick vocab quiz on whereupon and past SAT words
Test your knowledge! Scroll down for the answers.
1. whereupon most nearly means
A) meanwhile
B) after which
C) whereas
D) nevertheless
E) furthermore
2. Which sentence best uses whereupon?
A) The meeting lasted three hours, whereupon nothing was accomplished.
B) The storm raged all night,whereupon the power lines remained intact.
C) They discussed the homework, whereupon the weather changed.
D) Whereupon the students rushed to leave may never be known.
E) The chef revealed the secret ingredient,whereuponthe audience gasped in amazement.
3. Dissension most nearly means
A) disagreement
B) harmony
C) discussion
D) decision
E) derision
4. Anomalous most nearly means
A) anonymous
B) enormous
C) irregular
D) typical
E) systematic
💁🏼 Tips on using the word whereupon correctly
Remember that whereupon is more formal than phrases like and then or after that. It's particularly useful in academic writing or formal narratives. Note: We generally use a comma before whereupon.
✅ Quiz answer/s
B, after which
E, The chef revealed the secret ingredient, whereupon the audience gasped in amazement.
A, disagreement
C, irregular
Keep expanding your vocabulary! Remember, these formal connecting words like WHEREUPON might seem old-fashioned, but you'll want to be familiar with them if (when) they show up on your SAT! 📚✨